There are many options for investing money. For the sake of making money work, it is invested in real estate, stocks, precious metals, businesses and other areas. The idea of investing in sports betting can raise a lot of doubts. The potential risks are frightening and the similarity of the processes to gambling seems very obvious. Let’s examine some misconceptions about betting, find the truth and describe the principles of this type of investing.
Investing has no resemblance to gambling. Any casino games are based on unpredictable luck, the shifting performance in investing depends on many well-defined factors. Analysing these factors increases the likelihood of winning.
A one-time investment of $5,000, for example, in betting is not an investment. Even with careful analysis, investing all available capital in a single bet cannot amount to an investment. In one-off situations, the risk of a random result is too great.
If a player makes daily bets, e.g. in the amount of no more than 5% of the capital available for investment, and places up to five bets a day without any specific strategy, then he cannot be called an investor either. The pattern of action here is more correct. But spontaneity destroys opportunities for long-term success.
An investor must analyse all possible scenarios, even the unlikely ones. On the basis of a careful risk assessment he invests or refuses to act at a particular moment, continuing to study the changing situation. Bettors are very similar to investors here, because they think through the strategy and even test it.
Some handicappers are able to show returns of 5-10% per month. This is pure truth, but do not think that such results can be achieved by beginners. Years of experience and observation allow one to quickly find trends, identify promising tactics and achieve such high stable returns. People like this deserve to be equated with investors.
Experienced bettors follow a number of rules:
Investing financial resources and knowledge in betting allows the successful bettor to make a consistently high income. Such a person can be compared to an investor. While banks are offering up to 24% per annum on different terms, you can earn more than 55% per annum on betting. Few people can boast of such productivity. But a tactic which is successful for one person can bring solid income to another, if one is prepared to work hard and accumulate experience and wisdom.